1. Time will heal any type of pain and heartbreak. It sounds cliché to me at first but time actually really does. Aku adalah orang yang super sensitif dan perasa, jadi apapun yang aku alami berdampak terlalu dalam buat diriku. And I think I've been through a lot: multiple terrible break ups, raised in a really strict way, been bullied in literally every school I attended not only by friends but also teachers and lecturers, cyber bullied, and so many more. I've been through it all, and here I am, still survive and happy. Aku mungkin masih akan selalu tetap ingat semuanya, tapi waktu sudah menyembuhkan rasa sakitnya.
2. Forgive and let go. Karena ketika aku membenci sesuatu, when I hold grudges towards someone, dan aku selalu mengingat-ingat dan membiarkan perasaan negatif itu ada, rasanya sangat melelahkan. There's nothing I can do about the past, so I must let go what I can't change and just move on.
3. Be nice to everyone. It is our job to make this world less cruel.
4. Love yourself before you love anyone else.
5. Don't be affraid for being different. Be yourself. Embrace the weird! Normal is so boring anyway. "Once you are real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
6. "Confident is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets." Aku adalah orang yang sangat nggak percaya diri, parah. Tapi aku sadar itu menghalangiku melakukan apa yang aku suka dan meraih apa yang aku inginkan. So I want to overcome it slowly. Mungkin itu adalah salah satu alasanku belakangan mulai rajin ngeblog lagi.
7. Embrace your body. Aku bersyukur banget aku nggak pernah insecure masalah tubuh. Aku memang sering bilang kalau badan aku pendek, atau kekurangan tubuhku lainnya, tapi sesungguhnya aku nggak pernah bener-bener memikirkan soal itu. Aku nggak pernah diet seumur hidupku, baru suka makeup umur 21, baru suka heels umur 23, baru bentuk alis juga umur 23, semuanya terhitung telat buat cewek-cewek zaman sekarang, and it's totally okay. I am perfect the way I am. And everyone is beautiful the way they are. Mau rambut curly, mau badan curvy, mau warna kulit gelap, we are all beautiful. So never let society, anyone, or anything makes you feel you're not.
8. Cheerful songs can really make you instantly in a good mood. *insert salsa dancing girl emoji*
9. Keep an open mind. Accept people any way they want to live their life, all the choices people made, all the interests and views. Accept all the difference. Kenapa harus di-judge cuma karna berbeda, dibenci cuma karna nggak sesuai dengan social standard dan norma. Selama nggak merugikan dan jahatin orang lain kan nggak masalah. Mau merokok kek, bertatto, pakai baju terbuka, living together with your bf/gf, mau homeschooling atau nggak sekolah pun, or whatever you do for a living, so what? It's all okay. Dan oh ya, soal LGBT yang lagi rame diributin di Indonesia. Buat aku, mau seseorang lahir dengan orientasi seksual tertentu atau itu memang pilihannya, I believe we just fall in love with who we fall in love with, and at the and of the day, that's all that matters.
10. Do something because you want it, because you're happy. You can't please everyone. You don't owe anyone explanation about anything you're doing. And if you don't like something, change it. You're in full control of yourself.
11. Create your own happiness. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Jangan menggantungkan kebahagian pada apapun atau siapapun.
12. Take some time for yourself. TV series marathon on saturday with big bags of chips, showeran yang lama sambil dengerin musik, make your own spa night; manicure, maskeran, and all those skincare routine ditemenin scented candle favorit. Or going out alone, yang ternyata nggak sepathetic yang aku bayangkan, actually it's quite addicting. Sejak tahun lalu aku jadi rajin hang out sendirian, pergi makan, go to the movies solo, ngopi sambil baca, and I'm so happy. Rasanya kayak ngedate dengan diri sendiri.
13. Travel A LOT. Not that I've traveled a lot, but I want to. Selain mendapatkan kesenangan dan clarity, aku juga merasa semakin open minded about world and people around me.
14. Work out and eat healthy. Health is wealth.
15. Trust yourself. You can do more than you think.
16. Nggak main Path is one of the greatest decision in my life. Entahlah, sosial media lainnya masih menjadi sumber informasi yang cepat buatku, atau lewat itu aku bisa melihat karya orang atau sesuatu yang inspiring sesuai dengan medianya. But on Path, or in this case my Path, I don't get anything but seeing the best version of people's life yang seakan saingan lomba menunjukkan hidup siapa yang paling bahagia. So ya, not a huge fan.
17. Life is not a race. Don't compare yourself to others.
18. Don't force a friendship. If you don't click with someone, you just don't click with someone. It's okay that some friendship didn't work out. Temen sekolah kamu yang dulu cocok banget sama kamu bisa aja sekarang udah nggak cocok lagi karena kalian sama-sama tumbuh dan berubah sesuai dengan cara masing-masing, and that's okay. It's just part of being an adult.
19. It's perfectly okay to say no. If you don't like something or to do anything, or you just don't want to participate or go out, just say no.
20. Nggak semua yang kita sukai dan inginkan dalam hidup bisa kita miliki. Terkadang untuk mendapatkan suatu kesukaan, kita harus mengorbankan kesukaan kita yang lainnya.
21. Everything happens for a reason. Another cliché, but it's true.
22. There is someone who love you so much for who you are.
23. And that is possible to love someone unconditionally, too.